An update on the student programme

A year ago we described the challenges we were facing trying to assist our students with the final hurdle of getting their diploma applications approved. Several of their applications had been rejected but without any explanation as to the reason for this. We were able to take this issue to the HOD of Education in KZN, Dr. Vusi Nzama and thereafter learned what the Department of Higher Education and Training are looking for in an applicant. It was unfortunate that this information was not made clear to the students upon completion of the theory component of their qualifications, however, we are satisfied to say that after several months of trying to re-establish contact with the students, run them through tutorials to cover certain missing skillsets and assist with the re-submission of their applications, the majority have now been accepted and the students have received their qualificaitons. The process, although arduous and frustrating at times, at least stands our programme in good stead in terms of being up to speed with the requirements students are to meet while undergoing their training.


With almost half of our 2020 intake of students having completed their training over the last quarter HGA has been very busy with the selection process for the next group of students. As the number of farms on which to place students is still a limitation for our programme, we are in the process of brainstorming with a local commercial farmer in the Creighton area to set up a scheme whereby we could potentially place up to six students at a time on that farm. This will hopefully come to fruition within the next six months.


Thanks go to Pannar Seed


CHEP partners with HGA in a new food security project